March 2018 Meeting of Mark Grand Lodge
It was a cold spring day when I set off to London for the March meeting of Mark Grand Lodge. It really was cold with the beast from the east having just left us and the renewed beast from the east expected.
I dropped my bags at free mason’s hall and met up with Eric Drinkwater and after signing in made our way over to the Pillars where we saw several of the West Lancashire contingent already ensconced in seats having morning refreshment! We joined then and slowly over the next hour or so the numbers increased.
Grand Mark Lodge was opened by the Pro Grand Master and after some domestic business was called off and we were given a talk by Mensa Gela Trust Fund raiser of St. Oswald’s hospice in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on the effect the grant of £107,628 had made to the lives and staff of the Hospice after the refurbishment of the kitchen and the significant difference in the care the residents were getting. Her talk was given rapturous applause and for me personally was quite moving seeing money we had raised making a difference to people I don’t know.
Grand Lodge was restricted this time to 250 dining, but west Lancashire had a good attendance as usual with 19 members dining the guest speaker had joined us for dinner and as you can see from the pictures a good time was had by all who attended. Here’s looking forward to the June Meeting which will be another grand affair.
Why not join us, it really is a Grand day out!
Words and pictures by Dave Richards